Api Client packages
List of all public methods exported within @shopware-pwa/api-client package.
name | description |
getCmsPage deprecated | the method is becoming obsolete and will be removed in the future as the SwagShopwarePwa plugin won't be needed. |
getLandingPage | Fetches a landing page entity |
getSeoUrl | an array of SEO URLs for given entity |
getSeoUrls | an array of SEO URLs for given entityCan be used for other languages as well by providing the languageId |
name | description |
addCartItems | Adds multiple items to the cart.Accepts every type of cart item. |
addProductToCart | Adds specific quantity of the product to the cart by productId. It creates a new cart line item.Warning: This method does not change the state of the cart in any way if productId already exists in a cart. For changing the quantity use addQuantityToCartLineItem() or changeCartLineItemQuantity() methods. |
addPromotionCode | Adds new promotion code to the cart by its code.Promotion code is being added as separate cart item line. |
changeCartItemQuantity | Changes the current quantity in specific cart line item to given quantity.Example: If current quantity is 3 and you pass 2 as quantity parameter, you will get a new cart's state with quantity 2. |
clearCart | When no sw-context-token given then this method return an empty cart with the new sw-context-token.When sw-context-token given then this method simply returns the current state of the cart.As the purpose of this method is not clear we recommend to use |
getCart | Gets the current cart for the sw-context-token. |
removeCartItem | Deletes the cart line item by id.This method may be used for deleting "product" type item lines as well as "promotion" type item lines. |
name | description |
getCategories | Get a list of categories by provided search criteria. |
getCategory | Get a single category by its id. |
name | description |
cancelOrder | Cancel an order |
changeOrderPaymentMethod | Change payment method for given order |
createOrder | Creates an order for logged in and guest users |
getOrderDetails | Get order details |
handlePayment |
name | description |
getAvailableCountries | Get all available countries |
getAvailableCurrencies | Get all available currencies |
getAvailableLanguages | Get all available languages |
getAvailablePaymentMethods | get all available payment methods |
getAvailableSalutations | Get all available salutations |
getAvailableShippingMethods | Get all available shipping methods |
getPaymentMethodDetails | Get payment method details |
getSessionContext | Loads session context, containing all session-related data. |
getShippingMethodDetails | Get Shipping method details |
getUserCountry | Get the current session's country |
getUserSalutation | Get the current session's salutation |
setCurrentBillingAddress | Set the current session's billing address to correspoding to id |
setCurrentCurrency | Set the current session's currency to correspoding to id |
setCurrentLanguage | Set the current session's language to correspoding to id |
setCurrentPaymentMethod | Set the current session's payment method to correspoding to id |
setCurrentShippingAddress | Set the current session's shipping address to correspoding to id |
setCurrentShippingMethod | Set the current session's shipping method to correspoding to id |
name | description |
confirmAccountRegistration | Confirm an account registration in double opt-in mode |
confirmPasswordReset | Confirm a customer's password reset. Set new password for account. |
createCustomerAddress | Create an address and respond the new address's id |
deleteCustomerAddress | Delete's the customer's address by id |
getCustomer | Get customer's object |
getCustomerAddress | Get the customer's address by id |
getCustomerAddresses | Get all customer's addresses |
getCustomerOrders | Get all customer's orders |
isNewsletterSubscriber | Checking if user is newsletter subscriber |
login | Login user to shopware instance. |
logout | End up the user session. |
register | Register a customer |
resetPassword | Reset a customer's password |
setDefaultCustomerBillingAddress | Set address as default |
setDefaultCustomerPaymentMethod | Set payment method under provided ID as default |
setDefaultCustomerShippingAddress | Set address as default |
updateCustomerAddress | Update an address for specific ID |
updateEmail | Update a customer's email |
updatePassword | Update a customer's password |
updateProfile | Update a customer's profile data |
name | description |
newsletterSubscribe | Subscribes to newsletter |
newsletterUnsubscribe | Unsubscribe from newsletter |
sendContactForm | Sends contact form |
name | description |
getStoreNavigation | Get a list of categories by provided search criteria. |
name | description |
addProductReview | Add a review to specific product by its ID |
getCategoryProducts | Get default amount of products and listing configuration for given category |
getProduct | Get the product with passed productId |
getProductReviews | Get product reviews |
getProducts | Get default amount of products |
name | description |
searchProducts | Search for products based on criteria.From: Shopware 6.4 |
searchSuggestedProducts | Search for suggested products based on criteria.From: Shopware 6.4 |
name | description |
addWishlistProduct | Add a product with a specific ID to the wishlist |
getWishlistProducts | Fetch a current Wishlist with added products |
mergeWishlistProducts | Merge the current Wishlist with a products with provided IDs |
removeWishlistProduct | Delete a product with a specific ID from the wishlist |
name | description |
getAddWishlistProductEndpoint | |
getCancelOrderEndpoint | |
getCategoryDetailsEndpoint | |
getCategoryEndpoint | |
getChangeOrderPaymentMethodEndpoint | |
getCheckoutCartEndpoint | |
getCheckoutCartLineItemEndpoint | |
getCheckoutOrderEndpoint | |
getConfirmPasswordResetEndpoint | |
getContactFormEndpoint | |
getContextCountryEndpoint | |
getContextCurrencyEndpoint | |
getContextEndpoint | |
getContextLanguageEndpoint | |
getContextPaymentMethodEndpoint | |
getContextSalutationEndpoint | |
getContextShippingMethodEndpoint | |
getCustomerAccountConfirmEndpoint | |
getCustomerAddAddressEndpoint | |
getCustomerAddressEndpoint | |
getCustomerDefaultBillingAddressEndpoint | |
getCustomerDefaultShippingAddressEndpoint | |
getCustomerDetailsUpdateEndpoint | |
getCustomerEndpoint | |
getCustomerLoginEndpoint | |
getCustomerLogoutEndpoint | |
getCustomerOrderEndpoint | |
getCustomerRegisterEndpoint | |
getCustomerResetPasswordEndpoint | |
getCustomerUpdateEmailEndpoint | |
getCustomerUpdatePasswordEndpoint | |
getCustomerUpdatePaymentMethodEndpoint | |
getDocumentDownloadEndpoint | |
getGetWishlistProductsEndpoint | |
getLandingPageDetailsEndpoint | |
getMergeWishlistProductsEndpoint | |
getNewsletterRecipientEndpoint | |
getNewsletterSubscribeEndpoint | |
getNewsletterUnsubscribeEndpoint | |
getOrderDownloadsEndpoint | |
getPageResolverEndpoint | |
getProductDetailsEndpoint | |
getProductEndpoint | |
getProductListingEndpoint | |
getProductReviewsEndpoint | |
getRemoveWishlistProductEndpoint | |
getSearchEndpoint | |
getSeoUrlEndpoint | |
getStoreNavigationEndpoint | |
getStoreNewsletterConfirmEndpoint | |
getStoreNewsletterSubscribeEndpoint | |
getStoreNewsletterUnsubscribeEndpoint | |
getSuggestSearchEndpoint | |
handlePaymentEndpoint |
name | description |
createInstance | |
getDocumentDownload | Download selected document |
getOrderDownloads | Get order downloads (file) |
getSitemap | Get sitemap |
getSitemapEndpoint | |
invokeGet | Invoke custom GET request to shopware API. Mostly for plugins usage.You can skip domain and pass only endpoint ex. |
invokePost | Invoke custom POST request to shopware API. Mostly for plugins usage.You can skip domain and pass only endpoint ex. |
onConfigChange | |
setup | Setup configuration. Merge default values with provided in param.This method will override existing config. For config update invoke update method. |
update | Update current configuration. This will change only provided values. |